
Speckle? Gain? Metamerism? Demystifying the language of laser projection.

Projection expert, Gerd Kaiser, explains the jargon behind the technology and why Sharp/NEC uses RB laser light sources in its range of Digital Cinema Projectors.

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Energy efficient signage: an easy win toward sustainable aviation

On the journey to net zero, Sharp/NEC offers its aviation customers a trusted long-term partnership with energy efficient signage solutions.

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Journey to net-zero: Sharp/NEC presents ‘A Lasting Vision’

Upholding the three pillars of Quality, Service and Sustainability, Sharp/NEC sets out its customer commitment and sustainable pathway toward net-zero.

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Sustainability is an innovation priority: Sharp/NEC launches new energy efficient products at ISE 2024.

By prioritising sustainable innovation, we are bringing to market products and solutions which reduce resource consumption, minimise waste, and mitigate negative impacts on ecosystems.

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5 easy ways to reduce your business energy bill by up to 20%!

Even the smallest reduction of energy use adds up over time, so we hope these tips will help you reduce both your energy bills and your impact on the environment.

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5 questions to ask your visual display provider

In an era where audio visual technology is critical to successful working practices, choosing the right technology partner to guide you through the challenges of hybrid working becomes more important than ever. We suggest 5 questions to ask your visual display provider.

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Heading to ISE?

With ISE 2024 widely anticipated to be the biggest yet, it’s advisable to plan ahead in order to get maximum value out of your visit. A warm welcome awaits you on stand E500 in Hall 3 where Sharp/NEC will present its latest sustainable innovations.

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The wait is over: unlimited fresh content for engaging digital signage

Infotainment helps reduce perceived wait times, but accessing a constant stream of fresh and engaging content is a challenge.

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3 things to look for in energy-consuming devices.

It feels an impossible task; to operate sustainably when your business requires energy-consuming office devices in order to be productive. We offer 3 tips to help make your purchasing decisions more sustainable.

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Navigating the LED display jungle: you can count on our consultancy

With over 500 LED display vendors in the global marketplace, each offering a myriad of LED technologies, it is very easy to get lost in the LED display jungle. Our consultancy means you can progress your project with confidence.

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Sustained satisfaction with preventative service for digital signage

Digital signage opens up limitless opportunities for companies to present their messages in a compelling way, something that many organisations have already recognised.

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Digital signage in the hotel and restaurant industry: technology to enhance the guest experience.

The hotel and restaurant industry is once again gaining traction, and is at pre-pandemic levels in most countries. For many guests, contemporary multimedia equipment is a decisive factor when choosing their destination. Be it in a youth hostel, luxury hotel, restaurant or cafeteria, a guest’s stay should be as comfortable as possible. As a result, sophisticated digital signage concepts are becoming increasingly important.

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LED or LCD for video walls: which technology is the right choice?

The world of digital signage has changed at lightning speed in recent years. Today, anyone looking to present high-impact content has a vast array of choices. LED, or dvLED, and LCD have emerged as the display technologies of choice. Both LED and LCD technologies produce stunning visual experiences – but which of them is the best choice for your video wall?

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Orchestrating the soundscape in activity-based offices

Recognising the acoustic challenges of open plan office designs, Sharp/NEC has partnered with soundscape specialist Abstracta to provide outstanding audio-visual experiences.

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8K was prevalent at InfoComm 2023, but is it worth the hype?

As the world strives to reduce the impact of climate change, is this the right time to be launching power-hungry products? Our Graham Kirkpatrick considers the potential for 8K.

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A Virtual Cinema Tour – led by Digital Signage

Are you ready for the new age of cinema? At Sharp/NEC, we definitely are! We know that choosing the right Digital Signage solutions can help cinemas gain, entertain, and retain customers. Therefore, we are aiming to create the perfect visual experience for movie-goers with our innovative technologies.

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Hybrid workspaces: When the client demands the best, the client gets Sharp/NEC

When the client asked for ‘the best’, the AV Consultant and Integrator specified Sharp/NEC. So what is it that makes Sharp/NEC ‘the best’?

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Why should you choose LED technology from Sharp/NEC?

With a size, shape, features, and price point matching any application requirement, with LED from Sharp/NEC you won’t ever have to compromise on quality.

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The trends, the challenges, and the opportunities of the post-covid era

Through a global partnership, Kinly and Sharp/NEC are prioritising people, matching the processes and technology which will enhance the way people live and work in the new hybrid landscape.

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Twice as nice: two screens, one handsome hybrid meeting room solution

The NEC Dual Collaboration (Du-Co) Room System has been purpose-designed to bring the highest quality tools to hybrid teams whilst perfectly integrating into the most stylish interior designs.

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How are Sharp/NEC’s projectors so silent?

Why is projection still so popular and what makes Sharp/NEC stand out?

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Real Service, Real People, Real Peace-of-mind

Miguel Vieira, Service Portfolio Manager at Sharp NEC Display Solutions, is passionate about service. His approach to providing quality service embodies our company ethos, where prioritising the customer experience is central to everything that we do.

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More with less. How Sharp/NEC led with sustainability at ISE 2023

It’s a brave stance for an electronics brand producing energy consuming products, but Sharp/NEC does not shy away from addressing sustainability. On the contrary, our presence at ISE this year led with sustainability as our driving theme.

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Can’t wait to ‘ISE’ you in Barcelona!

We know you have plenty to see at ISE, it’s one of its great benefits – all the leading vendors under one roof plus unlimited networking opportunities. With this in mind, we highlight why a visit to Sharp/NEC means time well spent.

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Max your screen size for the best Front Row experience

The speed of innovation in hybrid VC platforms is rapid to say the least! The pace of change will undoubtedly continue, but one thing we can all agree on is the screen size – go big, as big as you can.

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Icelandic inspiration: how AV is supporting a booming tourism industry

In a country where tourism is vital to its economy, visitor attractions have embraced the power of technology, utilising the latest audio-visual tools to immerse and enthral for greatest effect.

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Tools and tips to reduce your energy usage

Even the smallest reduction of energy use adds up over time, especially across large networks of displays, so we hope these tips will help you to reduce both your energy bills and your impact on the environment.

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Content Integrity: How Hiperwall’s latest features keep your video wall’s content where you want it

Content integrity is critical to a successful video wall system. Whether its news feeds or video streams, or any number of complex data sources, you want to be in complete control of where and how it is presented. 

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Can your desktop monitor bring more Zen to your workspace?

By clearing the clutter off your workspace and reducing friction in your workflows, you can gain more clarity, helping you to focus on the task at hand. Find out how your desktop monitor can help you achieve greater productivity.

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Putting the System Integrator in control; making life easier with Hiperwall.

Stephen Wair, business segment lead for Control Rooms at Sharp/NEC identifies the compelling advantages of partnering with Hiperwall to give the System Integrator an easier life!

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‘How was your flight?’ An analysis of the challenges facing the aviation sector today.

Whilst summer 2022 saw airports and airlines struggle to fulfil demand, providing a high-quality passenger experience remains a priority as operators strive to re-equip themselves for a brighter future.

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Be seen and heard; tackling inequity in hybrid meetings

1 in 3 remote workers feel disengaged in hybrid calls. It’s harder for them to be seen and heard. In this blog, Gunnar Kyvik acknowledges the challenges facing businesses today and highlights Sharp/NEC’s alliance with Barco ClickShare.

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Aggiorna la tua immagine: rinnova il tuo look e torna al lavoro

In ogni percorso delle nostre vite il modo in cui ci presentiamo svela i nostri atteggiamenti e valori.

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What do you get when you blend Red and Blue together?

At ISE 2022, we brought together the Red of Sharp and the Blue of NEC. We didn’t get purple, but what we did get is a class-leading line up of products, taking our visitors ‘Beyond Expectation’.

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Responsible retailing: how product design is shaping sustainable signage

By acknowledging that sustainability should no longer be considered a trend, but a long-term strategy, we are consciously addressing this as a separate topic.

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Vuoi passare al dvLED? Ecco le risposte che ti guideranno nella scelta.

Quando le percezioni cambiano e la vecchia tecnologia dei videowall LCD inizia ad apparire obsoleta, è arrivato il momento di esaminare le nuove opzioni per aggiornare la tua azienda.

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Corporate Lifehacks: innovative technology enhancements that release powerful usage enablement

We are continually innovating to ensure our core technologies consistently provide the best possible user experience. Read how, through our strategic alliances, we deliver solutions which bring genuine benefit to our customers.

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Shopping for leisure: when shopping is more than the purchase.

For many, ‘going shopping’ is a social and leisure activity. Meeting friends and enjoying a coffee or lunch is all part of the experience. The extended lockdown period saw on-line purchases soar by necessity – when you know what you want, and you just need it, this will continue to provide a convenient option – but ‘shopping’ is so much more than the purchase.

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Il connettore USB-C è la chiave per flussi di lavoro fluidi?

Whether at home, in the office, or at a shared coworking space, the ability to turn up, switch on and immediately start working seems so simplistic - surely, it’s a utopian dream? A casa, in ufficio o in uno spazio di coworking condiviso, l’idea di arrivare, premere l’interruttore e iniziare subito a lavorare sembra semplicistica: ma è veramente un’utopia?

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Who says you can’t be in two places at once?

Saving considerable time and resources, NaViSet Administrator software helps IT personnel work smarter, not harder – like being in two places at once!

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Quando l’istruzione diventa una stile di vita

Al giorno d’oggi, gli studenti universitari hanno la possibilità di seguire un’ampia e variegata gamma di corsi di studio e sono diversi i fattori che determinano la scelta. Il luogo di studio è diventato importante quanto il corso stesso.

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Hybrid working: we’ve been getting by, now, how do we thrive?

Whatever shape and form hybrid takes, getting people to communicate and collaborate is fundamental to helping business to flourish. Our whitepaper offers a practical guide to the new way of working.

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Green signage: una tecnologia durevole e affidabile per favorire lo sviluppo sostenibile

Intervistato da Florian Rotberg, fondatore della testata tedesca invidis, specializzata nel settore del digital signage, Bernd Eberhardt, amministratore delegato di Sharp NEC Display Solutions Europe GmbH, spiega come l’azienda persegua obiettivi che vanno oltre la ricerca di processi produttivi ecologici e innovativi.

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Technology face-off: LED vs LCD vs Laser Projection

Three of our Product Managers battle it out as they champion their technology.

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REALISE YOUR VISION: with a size, shape, features and price point matching any application requirement, with Sharp/NEC you won’t ever have to compromise on quality.

Unlike any other manufacturer, we have no reason to promote one display technology over another. Projection, LCD and LED; each has their pros and cons appropriate to the application, and we can supply them all.

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Choice & flexibility: we talk to Midwich about the technology challenges surrounding hybrid working.

It has been a utopia for many years - flexible working without the stigma – now for many, it’s a reality, but its not without its challenges. 

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Global standards: supporting your hybrid workforce with a consistent user experience.

As businesses invest in the technology which will support their workforce in the new hybrid landscape, adopting global standards becomes a near imperative for a seamless integration experience.

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Green Screen: how Sharp/NEC is helping its cinema partners to meet their sustainability goals.

Living your best life goes hand in hand with prioritising your mental wellbeing. For many, a regular visit to the cinema to see the latest blockbuster or to hang out with friends is a major highlight in their social calendar - it makes people happy!

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A simple, reliable AV solution for meeting rooms

Achieve a simple, reliable, low-cost solution that’s easy to use and instantly available, thanks to Sharp/NEC’s modular design and in-built functionality.

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Take action toward a sustainable future for the planet and for your business.

By putting sustainability at the heart of your business model, not only are you helping to preserve the planet for future generations, you are also helping to secure the future of your business.

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Human, not machine: as workflow patterns shift, how do we balance productivity with well-being?

The post-covid re-emergence is offering exciting opportunities to reimagine the world of work. With grateful thanks for insightful input during an interactive discussion hosted by AVIXA, we focus on the human-factor and the need for a compassionate working culture.

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Perchè un programma di servizi LED non è semplicemente raccomandato, ma è fondamentale per il successo?

Quando porti a casa la tua auto nuova di zecca, non solo ti aspetti che sia bella, ma vuoi che ti dia prestazioni affidabili, giorno dopo giorno. Sai che il programma di assistenza del produttore la manterrà in ottime condizioni per molti anni di guida piacevole, fino e oltre il periodo di garanzia.

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The Sharp/NEC Difference: find out why partnering with us puts you in safe hands

We are not the same as all the other vendors, we offer something different. Find out why choosing to partner with Sharp/NEC is a smart choice.

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Airports and train stations are looking to LED technology in 2021 and beyond

Many are planning technology overhauls to carry them into the next decade

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Intel® SDM Inside: bringing more powerful, future-proof possibilities to our digital displays

The new MESSAGE line-up of Large Format Displays is the first from Sharp/NEC to feature an integrated Intel® Smart Display Module or Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4. Find out how our integrated high-performance computing options are benefiting our customers.

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How to maximise the ROI of your control room system

Information in many and varied forms is fundamental to fast, accurate decision-making. Your NEC video wall system provides the tools to steer you through a crisis.

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What is an Energy Label and why is it changing?

Long-term, the change will make product comparison easier and help drive the industry towards its sustainability goals, but it could cause some confusion.

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6 things to look for in a business monitor

Wherever you choose to work; at home, in the office or at a local serviced office space, your monitor is the vital enabler for productivity. Follow our top tips for choosing the best business monitor.

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Off to Uni, in ultra-high definition

Your student days should be the best days of your life; our future leaders deserve experiencing it in ultra-high definition. We’re working with universities to help them welcome students back to campus, safely.

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Keep it simple: how to tackle the most complex of problems

Sharp/NEC UK channel account manager, Jack Wilders, draws on his experiences to recommend keeping it simple!

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Apples to apples: how to compare image quality across display technologies to deliver the best user experience

Find out how to optimise your display technology to deliver the best user experience, whatever the usage scenario.

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How to maximise usage of your digital signage assets to increase your return on investment

Utilising digital signage networks to manage the flow of customers not only helps to fulfil Covid-19 safety obligations, it also offers many more benefits, both to the shopper and the retailer.

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Are you winter-ready?

Find out how employers and employees can work together to support the health, wellbeing, safety and engagement of home-based workers

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Bright, flexible and cost-effective: why LED offers opportunities to the Leisure and Museum sector

Easy visibility in high ambient light conditions, customisable installations and a range of applications combine to give LED technology the flexibility to meet the changing needs of the Leisure and Museum sector.

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Finding efficiencies through analytics to weather the storm

For all the buzz around analytics and the Internet of Things (IoT), they’re simply tools. Massimo Gaetano, software programme manager at NEC Display Solutions Europe, investigates how AI and sensor technology offers compelling opportunities for businesses.

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NEC’s Alliance Partner Strategy predicts the future of business

Nils Karsten, strategic alliance manager at NEC Display Solutions EMEA, talks about how NEC is deploying a new but also classic model: an ecosystem that integrates partner competencies and technologies using strategic alliances.

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What will meetings look like in 2021?

6 tips to getting your meeting rooms prepped for business

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How is dvLED brightening the future of video content?

Thanks to recent advances in network speed, intuitive content management systems and easy content creation, video content delivery is becoming even more important, and dvLED is proving to be the visual technology of choice.

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Let’s talk warranties . . .

genuine peace of mind or flimsy marketing headline?

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How is our relationship with information technology changing?

Now more than ever, display technology has become a vital enabler to remote collaboration.

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‘Fit for purpose.’ What does it mean to NEC?

The term ‘fit for purpose’ at first glance may not seem overly inspiring! It’s used to describe how an object is capable of performing the task it was designed to fulfil.

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Plastic or metal? When peace of mind must be top priority

At the design stage of any product, there’s a lot to think about in terms of the materials you might use. Different materials offer different properties and it’s important to weigh up the key attributes and match them to the needs of the application.

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A process of evolution: adapting the leisure experience

Quickly adapting to changing situations is vital in the leisure industry; NEC’s Jonathan Cooper looks at how museums and theatres might face their biggest challenge yet.

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Why so silent? Customer-oriented innovation

'Projectors are noisy, right? It’s the cooling fan, without it the projector will overheat and shut down.' It’s true that heat build-up is a major issue, but you absolutely do not have to put up with noise!

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Learning to fly again: supporting aviation in its recovery

As Europe feels its way out of quarantine, NEC’s Filip Cogghe sees digital signage as a vital enabler to increasing passenger confidence.

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Critical control at a critical time

With social distancing likely to become the ‘new normal’, NEC control room expert, Stephen Wair, considers how this will affect command & control operations.

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Is Covid-19 helping to drive business innovation?

NEC’s Guy Phelps has seen a change in the IT/AV landscape within his financial industry customers.

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When normality resumes, imagine a world with less travel

What will the real outcomes for business be when we start to recover from this period of uncertainty? The long-term effects on business cannot be predicted, but the lessons we learn, coupled with a reinvigorated world economy, could be astonishing and vital.

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Working at The Global Office

Covid-19 is a global crisis with far-reaching implications for each and every one of us. Whether battling at the front-line, providing vital services, or staying at home trying to maintain a semblance of normality for family or business, the knock-on effect is unprecedented and incalculable.

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